
The faults of Schultz

In Howard’s Schultz Starbuck’s Memo, the writing structure lacked a clear understanding of literature organization and was not appropriate for technical writing. First his introduction was a brief small topic sentence that lacked a clear context of what he is writing about and did not define the “FY 08 Planning process”. Furthermore, the lengths of the paragraphs are very displeasing as they are not proportional, one sentence was a paragraph and one big, long body containing more than 9 sentences is a paragraph. According to David Murry who wrote “Structure and Flow are Everything” paragraph length only occurs when there’s a slight shift in the topic, if not doing so there will be no “clarity and comprehension” in any piece of technical writing. Schultz transitions and chronological organization is all over the place throughout his piece of writing and will need to do way better if he writes to a Starbuck’s CEO or any position of power in the Starbuck’s industry.

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